Monday, March 30, 2009

Just say NO! to Twitter?

I’m saying NO to Twitter and I encourage you to do the same as well. Ok, I’ll be real for a moment here – I think about 6 people read this blog so I highly doubt I am going to bring down the empire that has become but that being said – I encourage my readers to say no to Twitter.

It seems like the last few weeks have been all atwitter (HAR!) about Twitter and how people are using it. Members of Congress were “tweeting” during the President’s address to Congress. Reports have segments about what people are “tweeting” to them during the broadcast so that they can answer them on the spot. People say that they follow companies and organization’s tweets to know what is going on there. Just this morning, Joe Scarborough talked about how he used Twitter to understand how people on the left, right and center were responding to White House press conferences. Ok – so Twitter gives us instant access to people’s thoughts and actions. Is that such a good thing?

I really and I mean REALLY loved that Obama responded to a question about why he took a few days to respond to the AIG bonus crisis by saying “I like to know what I am talking about before I respond.” Your damn right you should know what you are talking about before you respond to stuff – particularly when your words can send the stock market into a tail spin. I think we, as a nation, have become so insistent on instant access and instant response that we have forgotten that sometimes it takes time to formulate the response that you want. And it is that formulation of response that begins a conversation and the best conversations of my life have definitely happened in bites of more than 140 characters.


Unknown said...

it took a lot for me to sign up on facebook, and part of that is still the voyeurism associated with seeing the class geek's hot new body because he took up running 5 years ago. but i digress.

i'm not tweeting anything, and i think it's ridiculous that everyone HAS to be so connected all the time. i'd rather go back to home phones and answering machines and writing letters, personally.

and wow. you have 6 people read your blog? i bow to you. i think i have 2...

Cindy said...

I'm boycotting Twitter, too, so that makes two of us. :-D

Carrie said...

i hate twitter.

Sarah said...

Eh. It served its purpose for me because Paul could txt my Iron updates and it would update facebook. But I don't really tweet all that often. And really, I don't have anything funny to say that I'm not already going to blog about. Anywho, I want to stay up with whats going on with you, so I will likely sub to LJT but not keep my own journal.

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