Friday, February 27, 2009

Tweet, tweet, tweet...and no, I don't mean Twitter!

What’s that? What’s that sound? What do I hear today? Oh yes…BIRDS! Winter is giving us a small reprieve in Philadelphia today and making us think that Spring is coming. It’s not, it’s a big lie. I know this. Punxsutawney Phil told us on February 2nd that we had 6 more weeks of winter which puts us firmly at my birthday and since we’re not there yet, I know it isn’t Spring. But it sure smells like it today. I actually left a few windows open at my house today – I hope the cats aren’t freezing to death but I just wanted to air things out a bit, let some new light and life into my home. According to my phone it is 60 out and I imagine it will get a smidge warmer too. YAY!

I’m going to do some Spring Cleaning tonight because that’s the kind of rock star Friday night I’m having. First I’ll do an IT call at my mom’s and then I’ll go home, make some dinner and CLEAN. I love having a clean house but I hate doing the cleaning but it will feel good to have it done and things put away and spruced up so I don’t have to think about it for a little bit. Normally I have a date on Friday nights but my sweetheart has a work obligation so I’m left to fend for myself. And given that the vast majority of my friends are all married with kids and not driven to party like crazy people – I’ll be left to my own cleaning devices tonight. Strangely I am really looking forward to it. I might even watch re-runs of “Sex And The City” while I do it.

Now THAT’S living!

Do other people have “their people”? What I mean by their people is Lori. I have Lori. Lori is the woman who works at the Wawa that I stop at every morning on my way to work. Unless her line is super long, I always wait in her line. Her line does tend to be the longest because I don’t think I’m the only one who claims Lori as their own. She is so damn pleasant and sweet. Every day. Even when she isn’t in a good mood, she is. All she knows of me is that I am nice and I went to Utah and Germany and I drink Diet Coke in the morning. All I know of her is that she’s donated her hair to Locks of Love and she is very religious but I have no idea what religion she is – she just mentions church a lot. But every morning that I get to start by visiting Lori is a better morning than the one’s I don’t.

Think she’d be weirded out if I invited her for coffee or something?


Kristin said...

I think it would be wonderful to invite her to have coffee with you, besides how else will you find out what religion she is? ;)

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